Dear All
Please, I have seen some posts related to many fixed effect, but I don’t find my case solution and I hope you can help me with my questions.
Please, I have a panel data set for 500 companies from 11 countries with regular period (2000-2010) with 9 explanatory variables (not dummies) and my Dep is Dummy(0,1). I did not use xtlogit, Fe because many observations drooped. Then I tried to use Xtlogit, re vce (cluster Company ID).
  1. When I run the command (Xtlogit Dep Ind Var i. Year i. Country , re vce (cluster Company ID) Stata tell me that :
note: 2001.Year != 0 predicts failure perfectly
note: 2010.Year omitted because of collinearity
In this case, what happened here please? And how can I fix it? But when I did not introduce i. Year no message note
  1. When I lag my independent variables by one year by write L.Var1 should I sort the data because panel data or the same with and without sort?Thank you so much