For example, in the given table below, I want to flag the first two entries for id 1. For id 3, I want to flag the second and third (or fourth - but just one of these) entries. For id 4, I want to flag the first, second, third and fourth entry.
Id | Total_Amount | Date |
1 | 34 | 03jul2018 |
1 | -34 | 03jul2018 |
1 | 25 | 05may2015 |
2 | 13 | 12nov2016 |
2 | 14 | 11jun2019 |
3 | 43 | 01jan2014 |
3 | -456 | 22mar2017 |
3 | 456 | 22mar2017 |
3 | 456 | 22mar2017 |
4 | 756 | 28apr2015 |
4 | 756 | 28apr2015 |
4 | -756 | 28apr2015 |
4 | -756 | 28apr2015 |
4 | 143 | 03oct2017 |
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