I am currently working on a probit model in which the dependant variable is labor force participation (1 if the person participates and 0 if not) and the independent variables are the age group (0 to 2), the birth cohort (0 to 9) and other discrete and continuous variables.
I did a simple probit and then used the margins command to obtain the marginal effects at the means. For the latter, I separated the results for age group:
probit lfp i.age_group i.cohort other_variables margins, dydx(i.cohort) atmeans over(age_group) post
My doubt is how can I get the discrete change not from the base level (always comparing with cohort=0), but from the previous level (cohort 1 vs cohort 0; cohort 5 vs cohort 4, etc)?.
Thanks in advance,
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