Hi there

I am trying to loop drawnorm over mutiple STATA datasets, however I want drawnorm to use the existing variable names from the original dataset and I don't want to define them manually in my script each time.

My problem is that I can't seem to find a varlist macro that drawnorm will accept for the variable names, I have tried to use the "ds" function to send information to a matrix - which hasn't worked. And various other bits and pieces, but still can't get it to work. As you can see from "X_names", writing out the variable names manually works.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


clear all

sysuse auto

drop make

save auto_test.dta, replace

local X_var `r(varlist)'

//local X_names  price         mpg           rep78         headroom      trunk         weight        length        turn          displacement  gear_ratio    foreign

corr `X_var'                    

    matrix m_corr= r(C)

quietly tabstat _all, stat(sd) save

    matrix m_sd= r(StatTotal)'

quietly tabstat _all, stat(mean)save

    matrix m_mean= r(StatTotal)'

drawnorm `X_var', n(10000) means(m_mean) sds(m_sd) corr(m_corr) cstorage(full)