Hello all,

I very happily developed a .do file on a Windows 10 machine using markstat with pandoc and Word (and whereis). The code runs the Stata markdown file, then opens the html file in Word for further commentary/notes to be saved by the user.

I have whereis set up as follows on my computer (Windows 10):
. whereis
pandoc c:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe
msword C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
The code works fine on my machine:
markstat using buildmaps.stmd
whereis msword
winexec `r(msword)' /f "buildmaps.html"
However, my colleague uses a Mac. While I have been able to explain how to configure pandoc with whereis (using which to find the path to the pandoc binary), this has not worked for Word, and searching both on this forum and online in general hasn't turned up a clear answer for me. Any suggestions or tips (especially from someone who has Stata on a Mac, and can verify it works) would be greatly appreciated.
