I am running an OLS regression using factor variable as a regressor:
reg punt_global i.expectativas_salario_bachiller i.expectativas_salario_profesi , robust
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust punt_global | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- expectativas_salario_bachiller | Entre 8 y 10 SMLV | -16.16014 2.797607 -5.78 0.000 -21.64347 -10.67681 Entre 5 y 7 SMLV | -10.57995 2.08135 -5.08 0.000 -14.65941 -6.500486 Entre 3 y 4 SMLV | -8.756583 1.775683 -4.93 0.000 -12.23693 -5.276231 Entre 1 y 2 SMLV | -2.378132 1.655555 -1.44 0.151 -5.623032 .8667669 Menos de 1 SMLV | -.2397346 1.652037 -0.15 0.885 -3.47774 2.998271 | expectativas_salario_profesi | Entre 8 y 10 SMLV | -2.413842 .9830901 -2.46 0.014 -4.340706 -.4869785 Entre 5 y 7 SMLV | -7.506238 .8937014 -8.40 0.000 -9.257899 -5.754577 Entre 3 y 4 SMLV | -15.21564 .8766769 -17.36 0.000 -16.93393 -13.49734 Entre 1 y 2 SMLV | -26.53327 .9426736 -28.15 0.000 -28.38092 -24.68562 Menos de 1 SMLV | -29.36724 1.056401 -27.80 0.000 -31.4378 -27.29669 | _cons | 264.533 1.746067 151.50 0.000 261.1107 267.9553 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------ (1) Puntaje gl~l ------------------------------------ Más de 10 SMLV 0 (.) Entre 8 y 10 SMLV -16.16*** (-5.78) Entre 5 y 7 SMLV -10.58*** (-5.08) Entre 3 y 4 SMLV -8.757*** (-4.93) Entre 1 y 2 SMLV -2.378 (-1.44) Menos de 1 SMLV -0.240 (-0.15) Más de 10 SMLV 0 (.) Entre 8 y 10 SMLV -2.414* (-2.46) Entre 5 y 7 SMLV -7.506*** (-8.40) Entre 3 y 4 SMLV -15.22*** (-17.36) Entre 1 y 2 SMLV -26.53*** (-28.15) Menos de 1 SMLV -29.37*** (-27.80) Constant 264.5*** (151.50) ------------------------------------ Observations 55009 ------------------------------------ t statistics in parentheses * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
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