Hi Statalisters,

I would like some input on my choices between xtabond2 and xtdpdgmm, as they differ and as I am unsure if I am on the right path. Excuse the confusing variable names they may not be final.

The specification is to the best of my knowledge in line with the literature. Specifically, I follow : Lags 2 and lags 3 of the levels of firm performance variable rdint_log, governance variables pressure_sens pressure_res inter1 inter2 owner_share and control variables ln_age log_employees. are employed as GMM-type instruments for the first differences equation. Lags 1 of the first differences of firm performance, corporate governance, and control variables are used as GMM-type instruments for the levels equation. gii_score is a country level variable which I also may want to interact with the governance variables.

inter1 and inter2 are owner_share * pressure_res owner_share * pressure_sens interactions respectively. I would highly appreciate some guidance, in terms of pointing out anything clearly off in my code or some other concern - as I am confused about the estimations, or rather the postestimation tests which I think fail in my model.

xtabond2 rdint_log L.rdint_log pressure_sens pressure_res inter1 inter2 owner_share ln_age log_employees i.year gii_score, gmm(rdint_log pressure_sens pressure_res owner_share inter1 inter2 log_employees, lag(2 3) collapse equation (diff)) gmm (pressure_sens pressure_res owner_share rdint_log, lag(1 1) collapse equation(level)) iv(i.year ln_age gii_score, equation(level)) two ro
Dynamic panel-data estimation, two-step system GMM
Group variable: id                              Number of obs      =      3836
Time variable : year                            Number of groups   =       664
Number of instruments = 27                      Obs per group: min =         1
Wald chi2(17) =   4099.12                                      avg =      5.78
Prob > chi2   =     0.000                                      max =         7
              |              Corrected
    rdint_log |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    rdint_log |
          L1. |  -.0231576   .0348396    -0.66   0.506     -.091442    .0451267
pressure_sens |  -.6548435   .4478926    -1.46   0.144    -1.532697    .2230098
 pressure_res |  -2.142851   .8957042    -2.39   0.017    -3.898399    -.387303
       inter1 |   8.663443   3.873895     2.24   0.025     1.070747    16.25614
       inter2 |   .0250038   1.146118     0.02   0.983    -2.221346    2.271354
  owner_share |   .0541628   .7377693     0.07   0.941    -1.391838    1.500164
       ln_age |  -.0232487    .116177    -0.20   0.841    -.2509514    .2044539
log_employees |  -.2985976   .0797236    -3.75   0.000    -.4548531   -.1423422
         year |
        2010  |          0  (empty)
        2011  |  -3.030497   .8781278    -3.45   0.001    -4.751596   -1.309398
        2012  |  -3.181193   .9038798    -3.52   0.000    -4.952764   -1.409621
        2013  |  -3.164345    .899639    -3.52   0.000    -4.927605   -1.401085
        2014  |  -.1484917   .9110414    -0.16   0.871      -1.9341    1.637117
        2015  |  -3.003705   .8902785    -3.37   0.001    -4.748619   -1.258791
        2016  |   -3.13521   .9119268    -3.44   0.001    -4.922553   -1.347866
        2017  |  -3.111658   .9127353    -3.41   0.001    -4.900586   -1.322729
    gii_score |   .0351893   .0123263     2.85   0.004     .0110303    .0593484
        _cons |          0  (omitted)
Instruments for first differences equation
  GMM-type (missing=0, separate instruments for each period unless collapsed)
    L(2/3).(rdint_log pressure_sens pressure_res owner_share inter1 inter2
    log_employees) collapsed
Instruments for levels equation
    2010b.year 2011.year 2012.year 2013.year 2014.year 2015.year 2016.year
    2017.year ln_age gii_score
  GMM-type (missing=0, separate instruments for each period unless collapsed)
    DL.(pressure_sens pressure_res owner_share rdint_log) collapsed
Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) in first differences: z = -12.60  Pr > z =  0.000
Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences: z =   5.25  Pr > z =  0.000
Sargan test of overid. restrictions: chi2(9)    = 104.00  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
  (Not robust, but not weakened by many instruments.)
Hansen test of overid. restrictions: chi2(9)    =  66.44  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
  (Robust, but weakened by many instruments.)

Difference-in-Hansen tests of exogeneity of instrument subsets:
  GMM instruments for levels
    Hansen test excluding group:     chi2(5)    =  38.48  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
    Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(4)    =  27.96  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
  gmm(pressure_sens pressure_res owner_share rdint_log, collapse eq(level) lag(1 1))
    Hansen test excluding group:     chi2(5)    =  38.48  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
    Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(4)    =  27.96  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
  iv(2010b.year 2011.year 2012.year 2013.year 2014.year 2015.year 2016.year 2017.year ln_age gii_score, eq
> (level))
    Hansen test excluding group:     chi2(1)    =  15.37  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
    Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(8)    =  51.07  Prob > chi2 =  0.000
Since I face the issue of omitted time variables, and also the constant, I resorted to xtdpdgmm as suggested by Dr Kripfganz here on Statalist.

I tried to replicate - altough I am not sure if this is entirely equal to a system gmm, the results are not matching :

xtdpdgmm L.rdint_log rdint_log pressure_sens pressure_res inter1 inter2 owner_share ln_age log_employees gii_score, noserial gmmiv(L.rdint_log pressure_sens pressure_res owner_share inter1 inter2 log_employees, collapse model (difference)) iv(gii_score ln_age, difference model(difference)) twostep vce(robust) teffects overid
Group variable: id                           Number of obs         =      3836
Time variable: year                          Number of groups      =       664

Moment conditions:     linear =      57      Obs per group:    min =         1
                    nonlinear =       5                        avg =  5.777108
                        total =      62                        max =         7

                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 664 clusters in id)
              |              WC-Robust
  L.rdint_log |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    rdint_log |  -.2300437   .2514488    -0.91   0.360    -.7228742    .2627868
pressure_sens |   .4139911   .4576866     0.90   0.366    -.4830582     1.31104
 pressure_res |   1.787731   .8391795     2.13   0.033     .1429689    3.432492
       inter1 |  -9.637961   3.956848    -2.44   0.015    -17.39324   -1.882682
       inter2 |  -.4744583   1.130968    -0.42   0.675    -2.691115    1.742198
  owner_share |   .8176477   .7949369     1.03   0.304    -.7404001    2.375695
       ln_age |   .1277035   .2034326     0.63   0.530     -.271017     .526424
log_employees |   .1106846   .1047606     1.06   0.291    -.0946425    .3160116
    gii_score |  -.0275028   .0247245    -1.11   0.266    -.0759619    .0209564
         year |
        2012  |  -.4822724   .1729211    -2.79   0.005    -.8211916   -.1433533
        2013  |  -.5913051   .1852836    -3.19   0.001    -.9544543   -.2281558
        2014  |   .3287016   .6799291     0.48   0.629    -1.003935    1.661338
        2015  |   2.087275   .3400099     6.14   0.000     1.420868    2.753682
        2016  |  -.3082466   .1692142    -1.82   0.069    -.6399003    .0234071
        2017  |  -.0683088   .1565524    -0.44   0.663    -.3751459    .2385283
        _cons |  -4.436074   1.619953    -2.74   0.006    -7.611124   -1.261024
Instruments corresponding to the linear moment conditions:
 1, model(diff):
   L1.L.rdint_log L2.L.rdint_log L3.L.rdint_log L4.L.rdint_log L5.L.rdint_log
   L6.L.rdint_log L1.pressure_sens L2.pressure_sens L3.pressure_sens
   L4.pressure_sens L5.pressure_sens L6.pressure_sens L7.pressure_sens
   L1.pressure_res L2.pressure_res L3.pressure_res L4.pressure_res
   L5.pressure_res L6.pressure_res L7.pressure_res L1.owner_share
   L2.owner_share L3.owner_share L4.owner_share L5.owner_share L6.owner_share
   L7.owner_share L1.inter1 L2.inter1 L3.inter1 L4.inter1 L5.inter1 L6.inter1
   L7.inter1 L1.inter2 L2.inter2 L3.inter2 L4.inter2 L5.inter2 L6.inter2
   L7.inter2 L1.log_employees L2.log_employees L3.log_employees
   L4.log_employees L5.log_employees L6.log_employees L7.log_employees
 2, model(diff):
   D.gii_score D.ln_age
 3, model(level):
   2012bn.year 2013.year 2014.year 2015.year 2016.year 2017.year
 4, model(level):
Running this code, I notice the missing of tests for serial correlation and Hansen tests, compared to xtabond 2. For example, when I try estat serial, I get the following no matter how I sort the data: .

estat serial
not sorted