Hi everyone
Can you help me a student out with some commandos?
I need help coverting those SPSS syntaxes to Stata to make my own calculations
Any tips are more than welcome
Or is there a dofile somewhere
***************************** ************************* from SPSS
* Encoding: windows-1252.
* v02 - 2020-04-14. Labels in French and Spanish have been removed.
* Responses to questions EC6-EC15 are used to determine whether children are developmentally on track in four domains:
Literacy-numeracy: Developmentally on track if at least two of the following are true:
EC6=1 (Can identify/name at least ten letters of the alphabet),
EC7=1 (Can read at least four simple, popular words),
EC8=1 (Knows the name and recognizes the symbol of all numbers from 1 to 10).
* Physical: Developmentally on track if one or both of the following is true:
EC9=1 (Can pick up a small object with two fingers, like a stick or a rock from the ground),
EC10=2 (Is not sometimes too sick to play).
* Social-emotional: Developmentally on track if at least two of the following are true:
EC13=1 (Gets along well with other children),
EC14=2 (Does not kick, bite, or hit other children),
EC15=2 (Does not get distracted easily).
* Learning: Developmentally on track if one or both of the following is true:
EC11=1 (Follows simple directions on how to do something correctly),
EC12=1 (When given something to do, is able to do it independently).
* MICS indicator TC.53 is calculated as the percentage of children who are developmentally on track in at least three of the four component domains (literacy-numeracy, physical, social-emotional, and learning).
* Call include file for the working directory and the survey name.
include "surveyname.sps".
* open children dataset.
get file = 'ch.sav'.
include "CommonVarsCH.sps".
* Select completed interviews.
select if (UF17 = 1).
* Select children 36+ months old.
select if (UB2 >= 3).
* Weight the data by the children weight.
weight by chweight.
* Generate number of children age 36-59 months.
compute numChildren = 1.
value labels numChildren 1 "".
variable labels numChildren "Number of children age 3-4 years".
* Compute indicators.
recode EC6 (1 = 100) (else = 0).
recode EC7 (1 = 100) (else = 0).
recode EC8 (1 = 100) (else = 0).
count langcog = EC8 EC7 EC6 (100).
recode langcog (2,3 = 100) (0,1 = 0) into langcog2.
variable labels langcog2 "Literacy-numeracy".
recode EC9 (1 = 100) (else = 0).
recode EC10 (2 = 100) (else = 0).
count physical = EC10 EC9 (100).
recode physical (1,2 = 100) (0 = 0) into physical2.
variable labels physical2 "Physical".
recode EC13 (1 = 100) (else = 0).
recode EC14 (2 = 100) (else = 0).
recode EC15 (2 = 100) (else = 0).
count socemo = EC15 EC14 EC13 (100).
recode socemo (2,3 = 100) (0,1 = 0) into socemo2.
variable labels socemo2 "Social-Emotional".
recode EC11 (1 = 100) (else = 0).
recode EC12 (1 = 100) (else = 0).
count learn = EC12 EC11 (100).
recode learn (1,2 = 100) (0 = 0) into learn2.
variable labels learn2 "Learning".
count develop = langcog2 physical2 socemo2 learn2 (100).
recode develop (3,4 = 100) (0,1,2 = 0) into target.
variable labels target "Early child development index score [1]".
recode UB8 (1 = 1) (9 = 8) (else = 2).
variable labels UB8 "Attendance to early childhood education".
value labels UB8
1 "Attending"
2 "Not attending "
8 "Missing".
variable labels ub2 "Age".
value labels ub2 3 "3" 4 "4".
compute layer = 0.
variable labels layer "".
value labels layer 0 "Percentage of children age 3-4 years who are developmentally on track for indicated domains".
compute total = 1.
variable labels total "Total".
value labels total 1" ".
variable labels cdisability "Functional difficulties".
* Ctables command in English.
/vlabels variables = layer
display = none
/table total [c]
+ hl4 [c]
+ hh6 [c]
+ hh7 [c]
+ ub2 [c]
+ ub8 [c]
+ melevel [c]
+ cdisability [c]
+ ethnicity [c]
+ windex5[c]
layer [c] > (
langcog2 [s] [mean '' f5.1]
+ physical2 [s] [mean '' f5.1]
+ socemo2 [s] [mean '' f5.1]
+ learn2 [s] [mean '' f5.1] )
+ target[s] [mean '' f5.1]
+ numChildren [s] [sum '' f5.0]
/categories variables=all empty=exclude
/slabels position=column visible = no
/titles title=
"Table TC.11.1: Early child development index"
"Percentage of children age 3-4 years who are developmentally on track in literacy-numeracy, physical, " +
"social-emotional, and learning domains, and the early child development index score, " + surveyname
"[1] MICS indicator TC.53 - Early child development index"
new file.
I found this on the unicef website http://mics.unicef.org/tools?round=mics6
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