Good Afternoon,
I am hoping someone is able to help. I'll try and be as concise as possible to make it easier to understand.

I am a MSc cardiac sonographer looking at EF for the LV and FAC for the RV against global longitudinal strain (GLS) values for the RV and LV. The LV GLS and EF values are skewed and I've performed another test analysis on them.

I am using the STATA 16.1 software on Mac OS Catalina.

The values I've used are listed below.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float gls_rv byte patient_id float rvfac byte chemostage
-14.5  1 43.7  0
  -14  1 54.7  1
-19.6  1 52.8  2
-18.5  2 59.2  0
-22.9  2 61.6  1
-29.8  3 47.9  0
-25.1  3 49.6  1
-21.8  3 41.4  2
-24.2  3   44  3
-19.1  4 46.9  0
-15.3  4 49.6  1
-19.3  4 48.5  2
-17.5  4 48.5  4
-19.5  4 48.6  5
  -21  4 50.6  6
-23.3  4 56.9  7
-18.5  4 51.7  8
-24.4  5 48.8  0
-20.4  5 42.9  1
-23.3  5 44.1  2
-19.2  5 40.6  3
-16.8  5 39.4  4
-16.1  5 54.5  5
-17.6  5 35.9  6
-21.8  5 41.5  7
-22.9  6 53.1  0
-22.3  6 58.1  1
-24.4  7 52.3  0
  -23  7 47.6  1
-24.8  7 52.8  2
-25.3  7 49.6  3
-21.1  7 52.2  4
-30.5  7 53.3  5
-26.7  7 48.7  6
-29.1  7 52.8  7
-20.5  7 57.7  8
-21.1  8 60.1  0
  -19  8 60.4  1
-13.1  9   51  0
-15.9  9 48.2  1
-11.3  9 50.5  2
-13.3  9 58.9  3
-14.5 10   53  0
-22.7 10   53  1
-23.8 10 63.7  2
-21.6 10 63.9  3
-22.7 11 60.2  0
  -19 11   51  1
-18.7 11 47.4  2
-21.3 11 55.1  3
-21.2 11 52.5  4
-20.9 13   59  0
-26.9 13 64.8  1
-23.1 13   45  2
-25.7 13 43.8  3
-25.6 13 57.6  6
-23.7 13 53.8  7
-23.3 14 43.6  0
-23.3 14 45.6  1
-19.6 14 44.3  2
-17.2 14 37.1  3
-22.4 14 48.4  4
-24.1 14 51.2  5
-17.1 14 49.1  6
-14.4 14 52.3  7
-22.4 15 57.1  0
-19.6 15 60.4  1
 -9.8 15 55.7  2
-22.4 15 57.3  3
-19.3 15   55  4
-20.9 16 60.6  0
-23.8 16 58.7  1
-23.5 16 55.7  2
  -21 16 50.4  3
  -28 16 46.6  5
-17.1 16 51.2  6
  -20 17 60.6  0
-19.1 17 54.5  1
  -19 17 46.1  3
-20.9 17 62.5  4
-14.6 17 54.7  5
-19.3 17 59.3  6
-21.6 18 48.6  0
-20.3 18 48.8  1
-20.9 19 57.7  0
-19.7 19 63.6  2
-23.6 19 58.5  3
-20.4 19 67.3  4
-23.1 19 54.6  5
-21.5 19 59.8  6
-25.3 19 58.4  7
-21.3 19 67.2  8
-23.3 19 67.5  9
-16.8 19 61.2 10
-29.1 20 50.9  0
-26.4 20 59.6  1
-25.8 20   58  2
-20.5 20 50.1  3
-20.5 20 52.7  4
-18.1 20 56.6  6
RV GLS and RAC are both normally distributed. Before running the ANOVA, I tested the assumption on sphericity using with rvfac gls_rv and chemostage:

mauchly rvfac gls_rv chemostage
I also ran this with patient_id. I was unsure as to whether it needed another variable.....

mauchly rvfac gls_rv patient_id chemostage
If i have done this correctly. it says that I cannot use the p-value (prob > F) and have to refer to the Greenhouse Guisser or Huynh-Feldt epsilon value instead.

For ANOVA I used:

anova gls_rv patient_id chemostage, repeated(chemostage)
I was originally told not to use the patient_id variable. However, it could not determine between-subject without identification. Furthermore after adding patient ID as presented above the greenhouse geisser or Huynh-Feldt values are not being displayed. I have attached png files above as I am unable to dataex mauchlys sphericity and ANOVA.

Would anyone know how to get those values?

Thank you