I am using asdoc to report some nested regression tables to Word. For the sake of simplicity, I only report specific coefficients with option keep. The code is as follows:
asdoc reg y1 x1, vce(cluster id), nest add(Month, NO, Id, NO) tzok replace save(Regression.doc) asdoc reg y2 x1, vce(cluster id), nest add(Month, NO, Id, NO) tzok asdoc xtreg y1 x1 i.month, fe cluster(id), nest add(Month, YES, Id, YES) tzok asdoc xtreg y2 x1 i.month, fe cluster(id), nest add(Month, YES, Id, YES) tzok keep(x1 _cons) title(Table 1:) asdoc reg y3 x1, vce(cluster id), nest add(Month, NO, Id, NO) tzok replace save(Regression.doc) asdoc reg y4 x1, vce(cluster id), nest add(Month, NO, Id, NO) tzok asdoc xtreg y3 x1 i.month, fe cluster(id), nest add(Month, YES, Id, YES) tzok asdoc xtreg y4 x1 i.month, fe cluster(id), nest add(Month, YES, Id, YES) tzok keep(x1 _cons) title(Table 2:)
Thank you in advance and best wishes!
Jishuang Yu
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