Hi to everyone in the forum!

I am an MSc student in Financial Economics and I would like to raise a question. Any help would be much appreciated
I am running an ordered probit model in stata for my thesis in which my dependent variable takes three values denoted: 1,2,3 which represent the method of payment in mergers and acquisitions i.e. cash only payments, stock only payments, hybrid cash-stock payments.
While the main regression and the marginal fixed effects run perfectly fine, below the marginal effecs table i get an asterisk that says: dy/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1. Does this indicate that there is a mistake in my calculations? Because I do not have a binary model but rather three values for my dependent variable and thus I cannot understand why it says 0 to 1. Could anyone please provide a clarification for that?
Thanks in advance,