ssc install markupest
help markupest
markupest is an ongoing project and the current version is not meant not be definitive. Therefore suggestions, impressions and bug reporting are more than welcome.
Interested readers may refer to the companion working paper here, or to the replication + example code here.
Below I report a usage example (see the replication code or the helpfile to find the relative data).
/* Micro markups: DLW (2012) */ . use "mkup_example.dta", clear . xtset f_id year panel variable: f_id (unbalanced) time variable: delta: year, 2010 to 2018 1 year . bys sector: markupest mkupACF_translog, method(dlw) output(ln_va) inputvar(ln_l) > free(ln_l) state(ln_k) proxy(ln_m) valueadded prodestopt("poly(3) acf trans") > verbose corr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -> sector = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ln_va | Coef. -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ln_l | .1644373 ln_k | .3494995 ln_lXln_l | .0990814 ln_lXln_k | -.0459942 ln_kXln_k | -.0025919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ln_va | Coef. -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ln_l | .2154983 ln_k | .2501279 ln_lXln_l | .0746624 ln_lXln_k | -.0399165 ln_kXln_k | .002214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Run the graphs */ tw (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 1, lw(medthick) lp(_) lc(ebblue)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 2, lw(medthick) lp(-) lc(maroon)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 3, lw(medthick) lp(.-.) lc(forest_green)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 4, lw(medthick) lp(-.-) lc(sand)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 5, lw(medthick) lp(l) lc(navy)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 6, lw(medthick) lp(dot) lc(purple)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 7, lw(medthick) lp(_) lc(olive_teal)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 8, lw(medthick) lp(-) lc(cyan)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 9, lw(medthick) lp(l) lc(ltblue)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 10, lw(medthick) lp(dot) lc(mint)) > (kdensity mkupACF_translog if sector == 11, lw(medthick) lp(_) lc(erose)) > if mkupACF_translog < 3, ytitle("Density") xtitle("Markup") legend(order( > 1 "25: metal manuf" 2 "41: buildings" 3 "43: sp constr" 4 "45: wholes/retail" > 5 "49: land transp" 6 "55: accomod" 7 "56: food/beverage" 8 "62: programming" > 9 "63: inform" 10 "68: real estate" 11 "82: administrative") cols(3))
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