
I am trying to impute all missing values including covariates and outcomes at 3 months of follow-up and 9 months of follow-up using multiple imputation with chained equations (data were assumed to be missing at random).

For those who had missing outcomes at both 3-month and 9-month, I'm trying to impute the outcome variables at 3 months first and use imputed data to impute the outcomes at 9 months. Can I use imputed outcome data (3months) for imputing another outcome data (9months)?

mi set mlong
mi register regular age sex baseline
mi register imputed outcome_3month covariate
mi impute chained (logit) covariate (logit) outcome_3month=age sex baline, add(20) rseed(1500) burin(20)

How to save the imputed variables and use them to impute outcome_9month?

Thank you so much for your help.