Attempting to modify the following graph- 3 questions:

1) Would like to change some of graph text to italic. i.e "Wildtype" but unable to get the syntax right, I guess it must be something with " it:wildtype"

2) How to modify the lines to brackets?: I have tried, but failed to produce " brackets" that is a line, with two down-pointing lines at each end of a line ( to indicate duration) . In example, similar to the brackets shown in the right side of Figure 3 in the paper by Benn Jann- "Stata Journal (2015) 15, Number 3, pp. 751–755. A note on adding objects to an existing twoway graph"

3) Insert a character at a given place in the graph: how to insert a character/symbol for death, such as char(134) dagger †. ( See Stata Journal (2004) 4, Number 1, pp. 95–96.Stata tip 6: Inserting awkward characters in the plot. Nicholas J. Cox)

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex

ssc install xtmod.ado
ssc install addplot

input float newid int(mean sem)
1 1000 498
2 1758 397
3 1285 285
4 1460 324
5 1529 290
6 1700 176
7 1811 241
8 2300 367
9 2045 355
10 1285 285
11 . .
label values newid newid
label def newid 11 "DEATH", modify

set scheme dsmoderation

serrbar mean sem newid, xtitle(Date) ytitle(Virus copies/ml (+sem), margin(medium)) ylabel(#10, valuelabels labsize(small) angle(45)) ///
xlabel(#10, valuelabels labsize(small) angle(45)) plotregion(margin(5 11.5)) xscale(extend) xsize(7)

addplot:scatteri 2300 5 2300 6, recast(line) lwidth(medium) text(2430 5.5 "Chloroquine", size(medsmall))

addplot:scatteri 2300 1.05 2300 3.1, recast(line) lwidth(medium) text(2430 2.1 "Chloroquine", size(medsmall))

addplot:scatteri 1700 9.8 1700 10.2, recast(line) lwidth(medium) text(1830 10 "Anti-IL6", size(medsmall))

addplot:scatteri 3750 0.9 3750 8.0, recast(line) lwidth(medium) text(3900 5 "Fake News Killer Disease", size(medium)) text(3600 5 "Wildtype Virus", size(medsmall))

addplot:scatteri 3750 8.9 3750 11.1, recast(line) lwidth(medium) text(3900 10 "Sorry, Not Fake", size(medium)) text(3600 10 "Wildtype Virus", size(medsmall))

addplot:scatteri -100 11 -100 11, ms(smplus) msize(ehuge)

thanks Jannik