Dear all,

I am trying to figure out how we can refer to a specific coefficient from the first-stage of ivreg2.

In particular, I am interested in the coefficient from the instrumental variable (for the case of one IV and one endogenous variable).

Consider, for example, running the following

sysuse auto
ivreg2 price (mpg = weight), first

If we want to recover the coefficient of 'mpg' from the second-stage, we can just run

di _b[mpg]

My point is how to recover the _b[weight] from the first-stage?

I know that we can recover, for example, the F-stat from the first stage by running

di e(first)[4,1]

So I was wondering whether we can recover the coefficient of _b[weight] in a similar fashion (instead of using 'savefirst' option or the 'est store').

Thank you!

Best regards,
