Hi everyone,
In the code below, I am trying to compare the coefficients across two regressions. However, I got an error saying that "factor-variable operators not allowed". I know that I need to specify the coefficients list but not the vars list but I do not know how to do this.

local v i.BQ4 i.BQ5 BQ1 BQ2 i.Race i.BQ6 i.BQ8 i.BQ7 ADLs i.BQ10 Help i.size_cat form_payement i.Ownership i.urban

mi estimate: mysuest "svy: reg overallsatis `v' if NH_RCF == 0" "svy: reg overallsatis `v' if NH_RCF == 1"

foreach i of varlist `v' {
mi estimate (diff: [est1]`i' - [est2]`i'), post nocoef: mysuest "svy: reg overallsatis `v' if NH_RCF == 0" "svy: reg overallsatis `v' if NH_RCF == 1"