Hi Statalist colleagues!

Thanks to your previous help, I was able to create an indicator variable for the number of moves per individual within my dataset (marked by the *have column below). What I'm trying to do now is drop (or convert to missing) everything but the highest value of moves per individual.

Essentially, I wish to determine the total number of individuals who moved more than once within my single year of data - but when I tabulate the *have column, it returns an overcounted number of moves since, for example, ind_id 2 is counted three times. I would like to keep the highest number of moves, the *want column, but remove all other values such that when I tabulate *want, it will give me an accurate figure without overcounting or multi-counting a single individual.

Perhaps I'm glossing over a simple syntax, but I'm at a loss. Thank you!
ind_id seq_id city *have *want
1 1 "Hope" - -
1 2 "Hope" - -
1 3 "Aurora" 1 1
1 4 "Aurora" - -
1 5 "Aurora" - -
2 1 "Hope" - -
2 2 "Aurora" 1 -
2 3 "Aurora" - -
2 4 "Jackson" 2 -
2 5 "Jackson" - -
2 6 "Hope" 3 3