I would like to translate one of my variables (ValueUSD) into values in EUR, depending on the respective quarter of the year.
For this purpose, I thought I could write the following:
foreach v of varlist ValueUSD { replace `v' = `v' * 1.1617 if Quarter == "1997q1" replace `v' = `v' * 1.1300 if Quarter == "1997q2" }
Here's an example:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float Quarter str33 Investor double(Position ValueUSD Percent) 215 "APG" 23074391 395889633.83 .005184 216 "APG" 23074391 395889633.83 .005184 217 "APG" 23074391 395889633.83 .005184 218 "APG" 23074391 395889633.83 .005087 239 "APG" 28310184 461851283.03 .005946 240 "APG" 28310184 461851283.03 .005946 188 "Allianz" 34574166 572052264.57 .007928 189 "Allianz" 35391914 655950884.96 .008115 190 "Allianz" 36110061 710082928.09 .008279 191 "Allianz" 40653336 898150506.93 .009321 end format %tq Quartal
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