
I am experiencing a syntax problem. I would like to call a global variable base on a string create through a loop made up with several strings. I cannot get the syntax to call the global variable right. Would you be able to correct my mistake?

* Global variables I am trying to call
global N_BUY_LNASCOMP=12
global N_BUY_LS&PCOMP=5
global N_BUY_LS&P600I=5
global N_BUY_LDJCMP65=2

foreach universe in "LS&PCOMP" "LDJCMP65" "LNASCOMP" "LS&P600I" {
    use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r9/autornd.dta, clear
    gen rank=_n
    keep rank
    * This is where I need help changing the ${N_BUY_"`universe'"} syntax
    keep if rank<=${N_BUY_"`universe'"}
Note that I am not seeking to replace global variables by local variables in the solution I am looking for. Thanks!