Assume you want plots with nominal outcomes on the x-axis and you use the following (this includes Nicholas J. Cox tabplot, I use Stata 15) :
sysuse auto gen gear = round(gear_ratio,1) gen gear2 = gear+1 tabplot rep78 gear , horizontal percent(gear) barwidth(.2) showval(offset(.1) mlabpos(6)) saving(1) tabplot rep78 gear2 , horizontal percent(gear2) barwidth(.2) showval(offset(.1) mlabpos(6)) saving(2) gr combine 1.gph 2.gph , ycomm xcomm col(1) /// note("% of gearthing")
You want at the same time have those higher percentage values (in one "gear" group) to be coloured darker.
I tried to do something similar with Jann, B. (2019). heatplot: Stata module to create heat plots and hexagon plots. Available from
heatplot rep78 i.gear , statistic(percent) ydiscrete(1) cuts(0(.05)1) /// sizeprop recenter colors(plasma, reverse) ylabel(, nogrid)
Is there any way to combine heat plot and tabplot to have the right colours?
Another thing with the same example: Is it possible with graph combine and xcomm to "force" that same values on the x-Axis (e.g. 3) are alway above each other? That is to say that in a tabplot you want an "empty" category in order to have plots "align"-able.
Thank you very much in advance for any hints.
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