Hi all,
I have already posted this below a (old) thread, but re-post it here as I did not receive a response.
I am new to smap and am trying to map villages (level=0) and cities (level=1) on a map and connect the points with a line in case the two levels share the same ID (meaning that a person goes both to the village and the city). In the example below, I would want a line connecting the 4th and 35th observation, for example. There could be a point that needs to be connected with several others.
The data looks like this:
| level latitude longitude ID |
1. | 0 14.8984 -16.5432 102 |
2. | 0 14.9084 -16.4556 103 |
3. | 0 14.7076 -16.0167 103 |
4. | 0 15.3681 -16.1361 102 |
34. | 1 14.941592 -16.490471 101 |
35. | 1 14.941592 -16.490471 102 |
So far, I am merging this data to data generated from a shapefile and plot the points using smap.
use corr.dta, clear
merge 1:m id using data", nogen
spmap Shape_Area using coord0.dta, id(id) fcolor(white) point(xcoord(longitude) ycoord(latitude) by(level) fcolor(Blues) legenda(on)) legend(size(medium) position(1))
Now, as I said, I am struggling with getting the lines to connect observations that share the same ID.
Do you have any advice on how to do this? Thank you very much in advance,
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