* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str7 MONTH byte(com10553 com14898 com7435) "2008-01" 6 0 0 "2008-02" 10 0 0 "2008-03" 8 0 6 end
Date | Firm | Value |
2008-01 | com10553 | 6 |
2008-02 | com10553 | 10 |
2008-03 | com10553 | 8 |
2008-01 | com14898 | 0 |
2008-02 | com14898 | 0 |
2008-03 | com14898 | 0 |
2008-01 | com7435 | 0 |
2008-02 | com7435 | 0 |
2008-03 | com7435 | 6 |
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