Hello (new here so excuse if my jargon sounds odd) For my panel data (going from 1st Jan 2012 - 30 December 2013) I want to plot the values for a variable x for the 5th and 25th day of each month, starting in July 2012. I managed to drop the months before July 2012 with
drop x_201201* x_201202* x_201203* x_201204* x_201205* x_201206*
, but that seems not only inefficient, but is also not the way I want to extract the values for the 5th and 25th observations, as this would get the code really messy. Is ther a way to extract the 5th and 25th each month somehow that I can plot it? Ive read solutions which apply for specific weekdays, but not specific days. Would appreciate any help here. [note: In case it is necessary info: my date variable "date" is not formatted e.g. through
gen date = date(day, "YMD") format date %td]