Hello All,

I am using the updated STATA 17.

I downloaded a folder of files that are already in .dta format and ready to be run on STATA. My goal is to upload and loop each of them, but at one time. I know you cannot run a folder in STATA, but how do I run all the files in my folder? Pictures and my code below. I have checked and tried this many different ways and am at a loss. Thank you for your help in advance!

*Import and append all data from dta

*set the local space where you saved the dta file

global all_dta "/Users/emmaposey/Downloads/dta"
cd "$all_dta"

*import and append all data from dta

* Create a temp file to append all files to. This will become the main dataset.
tempfile data
save 'data', emptyok

*import all datasets and append:
local filenames : dir "${all_dta}" files "*.dta"

foreach f of local filenames {

use `"`f'"', clear // import file

gen source_dta = `"`f'"' // create variable with name file