Dear all, I tried to code ethnic group but have difficulty. Survey question-What is your ethnicity?, Response is '1 to 12' and allow single & multiple choice (MC).MC appears as '1 10' '1 11' '1 11 12' and so on . I will put all MC to mixed ethnic and need new var. Tried with generate, label define, etc but failed and know I was wrong. . Knew statalist is not basic user level but appreciate for help pls! !!!!

Ethn Freq. Percent Cum.
1 831 30.25 30.25
1 10 2 0.07 30.32
1 11 2 0.07 30.4
1 11 12 1 0.04 30.43
1 12 1 0.04 30.47
1 2 6 0.22 30.69
1 2 10 1 0.04 30.72
1 2 12 8 0.29 31.02
1 4 6 0.22 31.23
1 6 8 0.29 31.53
1 6 12 3 0.11 31.63