Hey, I am doing an analysis in stata and i am a bit confused. I have this logit regression:
Dealcompletion = β0 + β1 politicaldistance + β5 politicaldistance*EU membership + ∑ Control variables (β3 targetsize +β4 dealvalue + β5 Cash) + ε
So I have independent variable politicaldistance and interaction term politicaldistance*EUmembership, also control variables (β3 targetsize +β4 dealvalue + β5 Cash)
In order to run a logic regression I use the code:
logit Deal completion political distance c.politicaldistance#c.age targetsize dealvalue Cash, nolog
Is it a correct code for logit regression?
I also need to check the marginal effect of political distance on deal completion, so should i use the following code?
margins, dydx(*) ????
Will it show the margins for all my variables including the interaction term and control variables?
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