Dear forum,

I am new to this forum and want to ask for your opinion on a time-series regression (2006-2018) I want to perform using Stata. My regression should have a binary dependent variable outcome (either 0 or 1) and be regressed on endogenous and exogenous factors. The dependent variables are companies in the technology sector that are publicly traded. They either have a 0 when they are listed or get assigned a 1 when they get bought out. I want to regress the binary output on firm-level data such firm profitability, rank of company in sector and other firm-level data and on macro-economic data such as GDP growth, dry powder in the market etc. My data table will be in this approx. format.
Year Company Code Profitability Rank GDP growth Dry powder Binary output Leverage
2008 GICX 0.5 150 1% 5bn 0 45%
2009 GICX 0.4 120 2% 10bn 0 40%
2008 PRO 0.5 160 1.8% 15bn 0 38%
2009 PRO 0.7 170 2.3% 20bn 1 35%
Can you give me advice on what I have to consider to build a regression that is giving me results on which characteristics are deterministic so that the company gets bought out and when (during recession(decreasing GDP)/expansion (high GDP growth)). Would this be a probit regression or a survival analysis and where is the difference in approach when having data that is varying in time (time-series data vs panel data). Does the interpretation of the factors change? Can I find material on the commands that such a regression would require. So that I know what I am searching for.
I hope it is clear what I want to achieve and appreciate your help. Many thanks in advance.

