Dear statalist,

I am estimating a quantile treatment effect using the -changes in changes- estimation technique of Athey and Imbns (2006). I have around 600,000 observations and I am working on 64bit Stata 16 with a 16GB RAM device.

The state code to estimate the model is written by Blaise Melly available at and another one also by Keith Kranker,

Keith Kranker. "CIC: Stata module to implement the Athey and Imbens (2006) Changes-in-Changes model," Statistical Software Components S458656, Boston College Department of Economics, 2019. Available at

While I am manged to get results when I use the command by Blaise Melly, though not clear still, I am facing the following error when I use the codes by Keith Kranker.
J(): 3900 unable to allocate real <tmp>[111731,182559]
prob(): - function returned error
cic(): - function returned error
cic_caller(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error

I am not awarded the source and the remedy of this error.

Could anyone help me out, please?

Thank you!