Dear all,

I am quite stuck with some descriptive statistics. I have a household survey with binary data on multiple variables (tv, smartphone, etc. given as: Do you own a tv? yes = 1, no = 0). I would like to generate a horizontal bargraph which indicates the percentage of households that own a tv, smartphone etc. - all in one graph.

I do have this for one variable, but would like to obtain this in one graph for the others as well (and the 0-responses are not needed)

graph hbar, ///
over(tv, label(labsize(small)) relabel(`r(relabel)')) ///
ytitle("Percent of Respondents", size(small)) ///
title("Do you own a TV?" ///
, span size(medium)) ///
blabel(bar, format(%4.1f))
Could somebody help me?

(Example Picture is attached and its source is: Vinh Tien Le, Adrian Pitts, A survey on electrical appliance use and energy consumption in Vietnamese households: Case study of Tuy Hoa city, Energy and Buildings, Volume 197, 2019)

