Hi all, I'm an Economics student who has only recently started using Stata (State/SE15.1) for analysis purposes. Recently, i was given some data and I'm supposed to find out how the ratio of bids for vehicle licenses to quota of vehicle licenses affect the premium paid on those licenses. I was told to use ARDL to study the data, but i'm having trouble doing so. I'm seeking some help into how i can perform the analysis.

The data i was given includes the ratio of bids for vehicle licenses to quota of vehicle licenses for different categories of vehicles, premium paid and frequency of bids (twice per month), over the course of 10 years. Essentially, i think that is panel data. How do i begin to use ARDL on this data? Basically, when i tried using ardl [dependent] [independent] i keep getting the invalid syntax error. I've being watching several videos on Youtube but none of them seem to help me with this problem. I would appreciate if someone could give me some insight into how i can solve my issue.