I am using stata 16.
I am running an ivtobit model. Data is shown below. The deaths data is censored below the value of 9 so for all censored data i replaced the missing data with the number 9. Smoke and Fire are both measured in percentages.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float panelid int deaths float(pred smoke fire) 1 40 111.82269 0 0 1 36 156.26273 3.7378564 0 1 41 66.95786 .5494103 0 1 33 53.73887 0 0 1 46 57.47389 .361936 0 1 33 60.35159 .0004871885 0 1 39 73.95678 3.254674 0 1 46 92.15742 3.379441 0.5783204 1 33 62.73242 0 0 1 34 71.866066 0 0 1 37 122.6314 3.287671 0 1 41 133.70306 6.575342 0 1 42 112.9622 0 0 1 35 74.42028 3.335207 0 1 41 63.43359 3.287683 0 1 41 77.39986 2.5153205 0 1 35 70.794304 1.8029382 0.0341351 1 37 56.74924 .5541319 0 1 41 74.91539 3.747238 0 1 33 119.90632 0 0 1 28 39.7854 0 0 1 32 205.2623 37.00338 0
ivtobit deaths temp precip pm25median (smoke = fire), ll(9) vce(cluster panelid)
predict pred, xb
In addition my ivtobit results show that I reject the null of a non endogenous variable
Wald test of exogeneity (corr = 0): chi2(1) = 9.52 Prob > chi2 = 0.0020
0 Response to Fitted Values From ivtobit
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