Hello everyone,
I have a data on average sales of corporation for the past 6 months. Below you can see a part of the table. I want to create a new column that counts how often each corporation or each id has made more than $ 50,000.

id sal_20120101 sal_20120601 sal_20121201 sal_20130101 sal_20130601 sal_20131201 sal_20140101 sal_20140601 sal_20141201 sal_20150101
1 20,640 20,640 20,640 20,800 20,800 20,800 20,800 20,800 20,800 20,800
2 87,320 87,320 92,000 92,000 92,000 92,000 95,330 95,330 95,330 95,330
3 47,890 47,890 49,530 49,530 49,530 62,110 62,110 62,110 63,000 63,000
4 122,810 122,810 115,200 115,200 0 0 0 0 0 0
My approach was:

bysort id: gen count = count if sal_* > 50000

I also tried anycount and loops like foreach but I dont get the result.
I hope you can help.