Dear all,

I am using the following data with permno for all the different companies and the dummy for plants inside of the Netherlands (=1) and plants outside of Netherlands (=0). My dataset is way longer than that but this is just an abstract.

permno firms in NE
19166 0
19166 0
19166 1
19166 0
11703 0
11703 1
11703 1
11703 0
11703 1
11703 0
11703 1
19133 0
19133 0

I am trying to create a new variable which allows me to code as "1" whatever permno has a firm in the Netherlands & Outside. If the permno only has in the Netherlands it remains 0. (see for example permno 19166 which has 3 firms outside of the Netherlands and 1 within the Netherlands and permno 19133 which only has firms in the Netherlands). We would therefore get a new column with a serie of 1 for the permno that has firms within the Netherlands AND outside the Netherlands and a serie of 0 for permno 19133.

Thank you for your help