I want to produce a frequency table with many variables. Because there are so many variables, the table needs to span multiple pages. I believe -esttab- has an option to produce multi-page latex tables. Does -tabout- Version 3 (not yet available on ssc) have similar functionality?

This is the command I'm using to produce the table:

 local cat_vars "speed_limit vehicle_maneuver road_type weather_conditions season urban daylight weekday weekend weekend_night carriageway_hazards crosswalk special_conditions taxi police_attended_scene"

// Summary of Control Variables
 tabout `cat_vars' using "summary-of-controls.tex", replace ///
 f(0c 1) style(tex)  ///
 title(Summary of Control Variables) ///
 twidth(12) ///
 caplab(summary-of-controls)  ///
 font(bold) ///