I am using Stata 15 and trying to plot changes in sb1 vs years by age-groups (4 different models). This graph that I plotted makes artifacts (not smooth lines). I am wondering how to construct plots with nice smooth lines?
Here is the code used to draw the graph:
PHP Code:
set scheme s1color
tw (lowess sb1 yrs if age_gr==1, sort lcolor(blue)) ///
(lowess sb1 yrs if age_gr==2, sort lcolor(orange)) ///
(lowess sb1 yrs if age_gr==3, sort lcolor(green)) ///
(lowess sb1 yrs if age_gr==4, sort lcolor(cranberry)) ///
(lowess sb1 yrs if age_gr==5, sort lcolor(yellow)) ||, by(model, col(2) compact) ///
ylab(-3 -2 -1 0 1) xlab(0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35) ///
leg(all) xtitle("years") ytitle("change isn sb1") ///
ylab(, grid) yline(0) xsize(6) ysize(4.5)
Thank you very much
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