Hello all, I am trying to reshape my data from wide format to long format the variable I am trying to reshape is a daily date however its not continuous. The data is imported from an excel file where I rewrote the date with the following format it(date) so 22/06/2018 would be it20180622.

However, it seems like when I am trying to reshape the data, stata is looking vor values that dont even exit and display them as "(note: it20180624 not found)" see below for more information.

 reshape long it, i(c_id v_id) j(year)
(note: j = 20180622 20180624 20180626 20180628 20180702 20180704 20180706 20180708 20180710 20180712 20180716 2
> 0180718 20180720 20180724 20180726 20180728 20180730 20180732 20180800 20180802 20180804 20180806 20180808 20
> 180810 20180812 20180814 20180816 20180820 20180822 20180824 20180828 20180830 20180832 20180904 20180906 201
> 80908 20180910 20180912 20180914 20180916 20180918 20180920 20180924 20180926 20180928 20181000 20181002 2018
> 1004 20181008 20181010 20181012 20181016 20181018 20181020 20181022 20181024 20181026 20181028 20181030 20181
> 032 20181100 20181102 20181104 20181106 20181108 20181112 20181114 20181116 20181120 20181122 20181124 201811
> 26 20181128 20181130 20181204 20181206 20181208 20181210 20181212 20181214 20181216 20181218 20181220 2018122
> 4 20181226 20181228 20181232 20190100 20190102 20190104 20190108 20190110 20190112 20190114 20190116 20190118
>  20190120 20190122 20190124 20190128 20190130 20190132 20190200 20190204 20190206 20190208 20190212 20190214
> 20190216 20190218 20190220 20190222 20190224 20190226 20190228 20190300 20190304 20190306 20190308 20190312 2
> 0190314 20190316 20190320 20190322 20190324 20190326 20190328 20190400 20190402 20190404 20190408 20190410 20
> 190412 20190416 20190418 20190420 20190422 20190424 20190426 20190428 20190430 20190500 20190502 20190504 201
> 90506 20190508 20190510 20190512 20190514 20190516 20190520 20190522 20190524 20190528 20190530 20190532 2019
> 0604 20190606 20190608 20190610 20190612 20190614 20190616 20190618 20190620 20190624 20190626 20190628 20190
> 700 20190702 20190704 20190708 20190710 20190712 20190716 20190718 20190720 20190722 20190724 20190726 201907
> 28 20190730 20190732 20190800 20190802 20190804 20190806 20190808 20190812 20190814 20190816 20190820 2019082
> 2 20190824 20190826 20190828 20190830 20190902 20190904 20190906 20190908 20190910 20190912 20190916 20190918
>  20190920 20190924 20190926 20190928 20190930 20191000 20191002 20191004 20191008 20191010 20191012 20191014
> 20191016 20191018 20191020 20191022 20191024 20191028 20191030 20191032 20191100 20191104 20191106 20191108 2
> 0191112 20191114 20191116 20191118 20191120 20191122 20191124 20191126 20191128 20191202 20191204 20191206 20
> 191208 20191210 20191212 20191216 20191218 20191220 20191224 20191226 20191228)
(note: it20180624 not found)
(note: it20180708 not found)
(note: it20180728 not found)
(note: it20180732 not found)
(note: it20180800 not found)
(note: it20180804 not found)
(note: it20180812 not found)
(note: it20180832 not found)
(note: it20180908 not found)
op. sys. refuses to provide memory

Contains data
  obs:        13,830                        
 vars:           401                        
 size:    44,394,300                        
              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
c_id            int     %10.0g                c_id
companyticker   str16   %16s                  company ticker
v_id            byte    %10.0g                v_id
variable        str21   %21s                  variable
grp_id          int     %10.0g                grp_id
it20180622      double  %10.0g                it20180622
it20180625      double  %10.0g                it20180625
it20180626      double  %10.0g                it20180626
it20180627      double  %10.0g                it20180627
it20180628      double  %10.0g                it20180628
it20180629      double  %10.0g                it20180629
it20180702      double  %10.0g                it20180702
it20180703      double  %10.0g                it20180703
it20180704      double  %10.0g                it20180704
it20180705      double  %10.0g                it20180705
it20180706      double  %10.0g                it20180706
it20180709      double  %10.0g                it20180709
it20180710      double  %10.0g                it20180710
it20180711      double  %10.0g                it20180711
it20180712      double  %10.0g                it20180712
it20180713      double  %10.0g                it20180713
it20180716      double  %10.0g                it20180716
it20180717      double  %10.0g                it20180717
it20180718      double  %10.0g                it20180718
it20180719      double  %10.0g                it20180719
it20180720      double  %10.0g                it20180720
it20180723      double  %10.0g                it20180723
it20180724      double  %10.0g                it20180724
Would appreciate the help thanks.