Dear Statalisters,
I want to plot regression coefficients using the Stata journal command -coefplot-. Unfortunately, I get displaced coefficients, in relations to the x-axis values when doing so.

My panel data look like this:
id year gini treatment
1 1500 0.6 1
1 1525 0.65 1
2 1475 0.5 0
2 1500 0.51 0
3 1550 0.8 1
3 1575 0.78 1
I execute 2 two regressions using the -xtreg- command and I store the estimates.
xtreg gini ib1475.yearineq25 /*
*/ if localities_schmalkwar150==1 & treat_schmalkwar150==1 & yearineq25 >=1475 & yearineq25 <=1600, fe vce(cluster IDlocality)
estimates store schmalkwar_treat
xtreg gini ib1475.yearineq25 /*
*/ if localities_schmalkwar150==1 & treat_schmalkwar150==0 & yearineq25 >=1475 & yearineq25 <=1600, fe vce(cluster IDlocality)
estimates store schmalkwar_control
Then I use the estimates to plot the coefficients, using the -coefplot- command:
label var yearineq25 year
coefplot (schmalkwar_treat, label(Gini-change treatment group)) (schmalkwar_control, label(Gini-change control group)), /*
*/title(Locality-FE) xline(2.75) vertical drop (_cons) plotregion(fcolor(white)) /*
*/ xlabel(, angle(45) labsize(small)) ylabel(0(0.02)0.15) yscale(range(0(0.02)0.15)) /*
*/ recast(connected) noci graphregion(fcolor(white))
My problem is that in the resulting graph, the point estimates are not entered over the values on the x-axis. The points of the blue line are displaced to the left and the points of the red line are displaced to the right with respect to the values on the x-axis. I enclose a picture.
What can I do so that the red and blue points are entered over the x-axis values?

Many thanks Array