Hello all,

I realize my title might be a little dizzying, but I wasn't sure how else to phrase it.

I have a logit model in which I "manually" introduce country-time fixed effects (a single interacted dummy per country/year combination). What I'd like to do is have a sort of coefplot for the estimates of these dummies, through time (year).

The closest I've gotten is, after running the following logit:

logit event X1 X2 X3 i.countryyear
I then run this code:

coefplot, vertical yline(0) keep(*.countryyear)
However, this simply plots all of the dummies in one big series on the x axis. I'd like, for example, a red line plotting US dummies, a blue line for UK dummies, etc, with the years on the x-axis.

Any thoughts?

Thank you so much for your help. I truly appreciate it.
