Hi please see my output:

. tabulate tv3 group , chi2 cchi2

| Key               |
|     frequency     |
| chi2 contribution |

           |         group
   tv time |         0          1 |     Total
         1 |       271         57 |       328
           |       0.0        0.1 |       0.1
         2 |       294         42 |       336
           |       0.7        3.6 |       4.3
         3 |       241         63 |       304
           |       0.6        2.9 |       3.5
     Total |       806        162 |       968
           |       1.3        6.6 |       7.9

          Pearson chi2(2) =   7.8928   Pr = 0.019
I can see the p value is 0.02 however I am interested specifically to know whether there is a significant difference between groups in row 3 only. Can this be tested and produce a p value?