
I'm new to STATA and its commands so excuse my inexperience. My dataset contains multiple observations per ID. In a simplistic way, it looks like this (with made-up numbers):
ID Time ROE Turnover Age Board_gender
1 2012 25,4 1234 43 M
1 2012 53 M
1 2012 34 F
1 2013 24,1 3402 45 M
1 2013 54 F
1 2013 43 F
1 2013 44 F
1 2013 34 M
1 2014 33,1 3500 63 M
1 2014 52 F
1 2015 32,2 3478 41 M
1 2015 38 M
1 2015 57 M
1 2015 42 F
2 2012 24,5 4350 36 F
2 2012 61 M
2 2013 33,4 4590 43 M
2 2013 45 M
2 2013 51 M
...And so on. I have +5000 ID's.

I really want to do some pooled OLS, FE, IV ect., but my data is highly unbalanced and I get "repeated time values within panel".
My parameters of interest are ROE and Turnover, and I want to know the effect of Board_gender and Age on these parameters. Do I have to replace all Board_gender variables with a number, such that I only have one observation per year? (same with gender). Or am I able to apply STATA-tricks without deleting rows?

Thank you so much in advance!