Dear STATA experts:

I’m learning STATA's maximize likelihood syntax by building my own ordered probit model using ml command.

My outcome variable is an ordinal variable k, ranges from 1- 10, which measures a latent construct (such as attitude toward a particular social issue).

My predictors are 10 dummy variables (denote as s), ranging from 1 – 10, suggesting this latent construct are surveyed for 10 years.

Assume individuals' latent attitudes are mean yearly attitude + standard normal error, I simulate my data as follows:

set seed 24601

*1. simulate yearly  mean attitude

mat mu=J(10, 1, -99)
mat mu0=J(10, 1, -99)

    forval i =1/10 {
      mat mu[`i', 1] = sin(`i')
      mat mu0[`i', 1]=mu[`i'-.84147098, 1]  //  1st yr set to be zero
    mat mu0[1, 1] = 0

    svmat mu0, names(mu)
    rename mu1 mu
    gen s=_n if !missing(mu)
*2.  simulate individuals'  latent attitude  

 expand  100000
  g y=.
  forvalues i = 1/10 {
  replace mu= mu0[`i', 1]
  replace y = mu + rnormal(0,1)
  histogram y, by(s)
 *3. Simulate easurement: create 1 - 10 scale  survey responses by setting-up cut-offs
  sum y , detail
  mat tau3 = ( `r(p1)'  \ `r(p5)' \ `r(p10)'  \   `r(p25)'   \  `r(p50)'  \  `r(p75)' \  `r(p90)'  \  `r(p95)' \  `r(p99)' )
  g k =.
  replace k= 1 if y< tau3[1,1]                    
  replace k= 2 if inrange(y,tau3[1,1], tau3[2,1])
  replace k= 3 if inrange(y,tau3[2,1], tau3[3,1])
  replace k= 4 if inrange(y,tau3[3,1], tau3[4,1])
  replace k= 5 if inrange(y,tau3[4,1], tau3[5,1])
  replace k= 6 if inrange(y,tau3[5,1], tau3[6,1])
  replace k= 7 if inrange(y,tau3[6,1], tau3[7,1])
  replace k= 8 if inrange(y,tau3[7,1], tau3[8,1])
  replace k= 9 if inrange(y,tau3[8,1], tau3[9,1])
  replace k =10 if y>tau3[9,1]    

  histogram k , by(s)
The STATA built-in command oprobit is fairly straightforward :

 oprobit k i.s
The model yields relatively comparable cut-off thresholds compared with the actual thresholds.

However, I ran into problems when I was trying to write my own likelihood program.
 capture program drop obit

  program define obit
   version 1.0
    args lnf mu tau1 tau2  tau3 tau4 tau5  tau6 tau7 tau8 tau9   // cut off point
    tempvar p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10

  quietly {
    gen double `p1'=0
    gen double `p2'=0
    gen double `p3'=0
    gen double `p4'=0
    gen double `p5'=0
    gen double `p6'=0
    gen double `p7'=0
    gen double `p8'=0
    gen double `p9'=0
    gen double `p10'=0

    replace `p1' = normal( `tau1' -`mu')                          
    replace `p2' = normal(`tau2' -`mu')  - normal( `tau1' -`mu')
    replace `p3' = normal(`tau3' -`mu')  - normal( `tau2' -`mu')  
    replace `p4' = normal(`tau4' -`mu')  - normal( `tau3' -`mu')  
    replace `p5' = normal(`tau5' -`mu')  - normal( `tau4' -`mu')  
    replace `p6' = normal(`tau6' -`mu')  - normal( `tau5' -`mu')  
    replace `p7' = normal(`tau7' -`mu')  - normal( `tau6' -`mu')  
    replace `p8' = normal(`tau8' -`mu')  - normal( `tau7' -`mu')  
    replace `p9' = normal(`tau9' -`mu')  - normal( `tau8' -`mu')
    replace `p10' = 1- normal( `tau9' -`mu')                      
    #delimit ;
    replace `lnf' = ($ML_y1 ==1) *ln(`p1') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==2) *ln(`p2') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==3) *ln(`p3') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==4) *ln(`p4') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==5) *ln(`p5') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==6) *ln(`p6') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==7) *ln(`p7') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==8) *ln(`p8') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==9) *ln(`p9') +
                    ($ML_y1 ==10) *ln(`p10')
   #delimit cr
       ml model lf obit (k= i.s, noconstant)  ///
                     (tau1: )  (tau2: )  (tau3: ) ///
                     (tau4: )  (tau5: )  (tau6: ) ///
                     (tau7: )  (tau8: ) (tau9: )  
   ml trace on                      
   ml check    
   ml search    
   ml maximize , difficult
   mat c=r(table)
The program passed the Test 1 and Test 2 for ml check. However, it then shows error message " Could not find feasible values".

I did some experiments, realizing that this problem only appears when I set k to have more than 7 categories. For example, when I set the k to have 5 categories ( aka having 4 thresholds). The model runs (albeit takes quite long ) and get the exact same results as oprobit .

I spent hours on this but still could not figure out what went wrong. Can anyone help me find out what went wrong? Or is there a better way to programming ordered probit model with many thresholds using ml?