caseid 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 |
act 7 23 45 6810 7 23 45 6810 7 23 45 6810 7 23 45 6810 |
rankact 3 1 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 3 1 1 4 2 1 3 |
act_specific_v1 1 2 2 1 4 2.5 1 4 2 1 1 1.333333 6 2 1 4.666667 |
act_specific_v2 6 1 1 5.666667 3 2.5 1 3.333333 2 1 1 1 6 2 1 4.666667 |
Dist_Inj .6970438 .6970438 .6970438 .6970438 -1.176087 -1.176087 -1.176087 -1.176087 -.3863783 -.3863783 -.3863783 -.3863783 .6934251 .6934251 .6934251 .6934251 |
Proc_Inj 1.377651 1.377651 1.377651 1.377651 -1.454568 -1.454568 -1.454568 -1.454568 -1.058589 -1.058589 -1.058589 -1.058589 1.270909 1.270909 1.270909 1.270909 |
i run cmroprobit as follows:
cmroprobit rankact c.Q62_1_ c.Q61_1_, casevars(c.Dist_Inj c.Proc_Inj) basealternative(23) ltolerance(1e-4)
then i want to run margins to analyse action ranking when Dist_Inj goes up from -4.5 to 1.
margins, at(Dist_Inj=(-4.5(.5)1))
Turns out margins only calculates margins for act 1, and for all other acts it shows (empty), without any error message. Can anyone help?
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