I am attempting to export some results of a simple OLS using putexcel: I need the coefficients to be exported in specific cell and, for most of them, to be "exponentiated" first. When displaying the local from the coefficients matrix, I get both the correct coefficient and the correct exponential but for some reason, it only exports the coefficients without "exponentiating" it. However, it works when I manually copy/paste each row in Stata directly..
Does anyone know how to fix it? I would like to run OLS with significant number of variables and would like to avoid manually entering each row in Stata.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(ln_annual_rent ln_surface_area west central) 17.296751 8.834334 0 0 15.319588 7.395433 0 0 14.994165 7.475753 0 0 15.796512 7.439742 0 0 12.89922 5.941276 0 0 15.925724 7.904531 0 0 13.171153 6.408727 0 0 15.796512 7.507339 0 0 15.955577 7.99535 0 0 15.648092 7.211106 0 0 0 6.651468 0 0 15.648092 7.750081 0 0 15.47374 7.870254 0 0 16.34124 7.908166 0 0 14.038654 6.442492 0 0 15.137266 6.960348 0 0 16.34124 7.274479 0 0 15.931767 7.142828 0 0 15.137266 7.745756 0 0 15.201805 7.262481 0 0 15.56471 7.953557 0 0 15.60727 7.887017 0 0 15.725053 7.952517 0 0 15.137266 6.971838 0 0 14.82711 7.311018 0 0 17.092655 8.065686 0 0 15.796512 6.256067 0 0 15.863203 8.453291 0 0 16.213406 7.541243 0 0 15.47374 7.482186 0 0 13.217673 6.210289 0 0 15.52026 7.308901 0 0 15.52026 7.171426 0 0 14.375126 6.708914 0 0 14.82711 6.416732 0 0 15.47374 7.509379 0 0 14.751604 7.868457 0 0 19.23161 7.556365 0 0 13.71015 6.204558 0 0 16.34124 7.718552 0 0 14.34614 6.833204 0 0 14.34614 7.211158 0 0 16.34124 7.357039 0 0 15.26243 7.069874 0 0 16.759949 8.11257 0 0 15.47374 7.700757 0 0 14.62644 6.200489 0 0 15.26243 7.749219 0 0 14.375126 6.940058 0 0 15.52026 7.096017 0 0 15.830414 7.020513 0 0 14.954945 7.03474 0 0 15.648092 7.441942 0 0 16.993565 7.030643 0 0 16.906553 8.976553 0 0 16.213406 7.398713 0 0 15.44964 7.660025 0 0 16.759949 8.982668 0 0 14.954945 8.048974 0 0 16.951004 8.050186 0 0 15.26243 7.305363 0 0 14.994165 7.402324 0 0 14.914123 7.245769 0 0 14.78059 7.613814 0 0 15.26243 7.585931 0 0 16.523561 8.262881 0 0 14.994165 5.952262 0 0 16.55635 7.898172 0 0 14.038654 7.384406 0 0 17.129696 8.047221 0 0 14.751604 6.95225 0 0 16.118095 8.158679 0 0 16.951004 8.364448 0 0 14.375126 6.85524 0 0 15.137266 7.576891 0 0 16.213406 6.595644 0 0 14.7318 7.28589 0 0 15.648092 7.215975 0 0 15.52026 7.394051 0 0 16.759949 8.657619 0 0 15.56471 7.533148 0 0 15.319588 7.486221 0 0 13.122363 5.631212 0 0 14.220976 6.400752 0 0 13.384727 6.745319 0 0 15.47374 7.348658 0 0 15.56471 7.839624 0 0 15.60727 7.178858 0 0 16.677711 8.387967 0 0 17.129696 7.523616 0 0 18.064005 9.905213 0 0 16.118095 6.816966 0 0 14.7318 7.094268 0 0 16.618872 7.447168 0 0 16.677711 6.650609 0 0 16.34124 6.650609 0 0 16.34124 6.862913 0 0 16.648724 8.423494 0 0 16.34124 7.710205 0 0 16.34124 7.478853 0 0 end
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