* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(table11 table12 table13 table14 table15) 1105.5277 225.67003 538.0112 117.00013 2.892083 528.9581 167.24956 174.57275 38.21078 2.322733 1634.486 389.7676 712.584 153.1349 2.688355 end
mkmat _all, matrix(table1) local name "Panel A. Contributions from all contributors:" matrix rownames table1 = "`name'Addition" "`name'Deletion" "`name'Total" #delimit ; estout matrix(table1, fmt(2)) using table1.tex, style(tex) replace mlabels("", notitles) ;
& & & & & \\
& table11& table12& table13& table14& table15\\
How to suppress these 2 lines?
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