Hey! I am using the dataset Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016 of Bangladesh and I want to generate how many numbers of children are there and also the working children according to the ILO definition and child labour. My datasets consist of hhold (household code), hhid (household identification), S1aq02 (relationships of the members with the head of the household) this variable is lumped, age, sex, earner(Yes/No), were you paid on a daily basis? (Yes/No), did you work for livelihood during the past 7 days? (Yes/No), were you available for work during the past 7 days? (Yes/No), did you looking for work during the past 7 days? (Yes/No),
Why were you not available/ did you not looking for work?
01 Engaged in domestic work
02 Housewife
03 Student
04 Too old/ retired
05 too young
06 temporarily sick
07 Disabled
08 Waiting to start a new job
09 No work available
10 On leave/looking for job/business
11 Other (Specify)
Can anyone help me?