Hi folks - been mulling over this but can't quite figure out a good solution. Wondered if anyone had suggestions.

Basically, I have a boxplot looking at accelerometer counts and I want to show time spent at different intensities across PA spectrum. Problem is there is quite a large range at the lower end (in particular for 0-49cpm - see image below) - which makes it hard to make out the data at right end.

One option is to remove the 0-49cpm category so can glean more insight from others (e.g. below). However, I do need to show all of them somehow (and ideally on same graph). Array

I wondered whether a good option might be to have a second axis on the left for that categories, but superimposed onto the same graph for perspective (example of what I am pretty much after below).... Array

I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on how to do something like this in Stata? The above example is I think possible in excel... I'd also like to have the the graph in the same format by sex (as per above - bars side by side as opposed to two separate graphs) - but unsure how to do that. Array

Wondered if anyone had any insights on how to 1) get sex side by side in same single plot, and 2) get something very similar to that excel version above with a separate axis for the 0-49cpm category)? Thanks and hope this is clear...

This is my current Stata code.

graph box cpm_0_49-cpm_5000plus if incl_main==1 , ///
    nooutsides ytitle("Time (min/day)") note("") leg(off) graphregion(fc(white) ifc(white) lc(white) ilc(white)) ///
    showyvars yvar(label(labsize(tiny) angle(vertical))) yscale(range(0 1000)) ylabel(0 (250) 1000)

    graph export "$OUT_DATASET/Box_whisker\time-intensity_`epoch's_ALL_nonnorm.png", height(`plotexportheight') width(`plotexportwidth') replace
graph box cpm_0_49-cpm_5000plus if incl_main==1 , ///
    over(sex) ///
    nooutsides ytitle("Time (min/day)") note("") leg(off) graphregion(fc(white) ifc(white) lc(white) ilc(white)) ///
    showyvars yvar(label(labsize(tiny) angle(vertical))) yscale(range(0 1000)) ylabel(0 (250) 1000)

    graph export "$OUT_DATASET/Box_whisker\time-intensity_`epoch's_ALL_SEX_nonnorm.png", height(`plotexportheight') width(`plotexportwidth') replace