It seems that I am blindfolded: Although I tried and looked for about half an hour, I can't see my coding error:

I want to encode a list of variables *if* the respective variable is of type string, else I simply want to generate a variable with missing values and a label defined with the name of that variable.

An example of my data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str8 rts2270890 byte rts2270892
"pjduty"   .
"pjattri1" .
"pjattri2" .
"pjattri3" .
"pjbribes" .
""         .
""         .
""         .
""         .
""         .
And here my attempt that fails when encountering variable rts2270892 with the error message "not possible with numeric variable" although I believe that the -if ... else- condition should prevent this:
ocal n = 0
foreach v of varlist rts* {
   local n = `n'+1
   local ns : di %03.0f `n'
   ds `v', has(type str# strL)
   if "r(varlist)" != "" {
      di "`r(varlist)'"
      encode `v', gen(ba_pt`ns')
   else {
      gen ba_pt`ns' = .
      lab def ba_pt`ns' 1 " "
Anyone out there who can locate the problem?