I have a logistic regression graph which contains an unadjusted (univariate) model between age, gender, ethnicity, etc, and also a fully adjusted (multivariate) model which shows how each variable changes between the unadjusted and adjusted models.


I want to drop the “Constant” off the y-axis (and the corresponding data point). I managed to drop the combined unadjusted _cons (which overlapped constants from each of the variables), but can’t get rid of the adjusted _cons. Does anyone have a suggestions as to how I could do that? This is my code:

quietly eststo m1: logit Actioned ageY
quietly eststo m2: logit Actioned Gender
quietly eststo m3: logit Actioned i.Ethnicity
quietly eststo m4: logit Actioned i.quintile
quietly eststo m5: logit Actioned ltdxCount
quietly eststo m6: logit Actioned ltrxCount
quietly eststo m7: logit Actioned ageY Gender i.Ethnicity i.quintile ltdxCount ltrxCount
coefplot (m1, offset(.15))(m2, offset(.15))(m3, offset(.15))(m4, offset(.15))(m5, offset(.15))(m6, offset(.15)) (m7, drop(*#*) offset(-.15)) (m7, keep(*#*) pstyle(p2)), legend(off) msymbol(D) mfcolor(white) ciopts(lwidth(*3) lcolor(*.6)) ///
coeflabels(_cons = Constant, wrap(20) notick labcolor(black) labsize(medsmall) labgap(3)) drop(_cons) xline(1) eform xtitle(Odds ratio)

Thank you!