My deep dive for a clue as to how to calculate the number of households within a radius of 1KM isn't bearing fruits. I want to generate a variable that counts the total number of households within a radius of a kilometre that received some sort of treatment. The variable treat in the MWE denotes 1 if treated and 0 if not.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double(longitude latitude household_id) float treat
34.3305675 -.3524537 2274277979 1
  34.33927   -.17747 1174139697 1
  34.43545   -.17373 1782151256 0
  34.34602   -.15345 1768914407 0
  34.32225    -.1086 1172131082 0
34.2818112 -.2419943 1774195844 1
  34.28392   -.25333 1277311080 0
34.3281687 -.3403831 2577843882 0
34.3140773    -.3203 2977881337 0
34.3990875   -.07502 1983108037 0
 34.341887  -.104738 1374211739 0
34.2637026 -.2409713 1079917294 0
34.3561487    -.1689 1778766110 0
34.3263725 -.1769625 1382125291 1
  34.32047   -.16695 2782841008 0
34.3359794 -.1816041 1170167096 0
34.3406087 -.3190081 1372316820 1
34.3139775 -.3488775 2369267856 1
34.3830881 -.2683037 1574207405 1
34.3312912  -.121985 1472800679 0
label values longitude dkrf
label values latitude dkrf
How can I generate this?