I am running some issues on how to run a boostrap in a montecarlo. I need to generate 50 observations of x and y, regress x and y, and bootstrap for the standard error of beta. I need to run this simulation 200 times. I am running into some issues with this code. This is what I've done:
tempfile maindata2 bootstrap2
global boots2=50
cap prog drop problem1b
program problem1b, rclass
drop _all
set obs 50
generate x = rnormal()
generate eps = rnormal() * sqrt(1+exp(x))
generate y = 2 + 1*x + eps
save `maindata2'
forvalues i = 1/$boots2 {
qui drop _all
qui use `maindata2'
bsample /*bootstrap command*/
reg y x
drop if var=="_cons"
global betta2=coef
drop _all
qui set obs 1
generate mybeta2 = $betta2
capture append using `bootstrap2'
qui save `bootstrap2' , replace
drop _all
use `bootstrap2'
summ mybeta2
return scalar betaboot = r(mean)
simulate betaboot = r(betaboot), seed(1001001) reps(200) nodots: problem1b
summarize betaboot
I am assuming there is a better way of doing this, or a way that actually works. Any help is deeply appreciated.
Thank you,
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